

La Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l. è stata fondata nel 1973. Oggi si presenta come una delle più importanti Società nel panorama italiano delle costruzioni meccaniche di precisione. I mercati di riferimento sono principalmente: Aeronautica, Aerospazio, Energia e Difesa.

Mechanical design

The design staff is made up of engineers and specialized technicians with considerable experience and uses the most modern software for parametric 3D design (UGS Nx, Catia V5) and finite element structural calculation (Ansys structural)

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The industrialization staff is made up of specialized technicians with considerable experience and uses the most modern 3D CAMs for machining up to 5 continuously controlled axes.

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Milling / Boring

The milling and boring of the parts are made of CNC machines by highly skilled operators and continuously trained in new technologies.

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La tornitura dei particolari è realizzata su macchine CNC da parte di operatori altamente specializzati e continuamente formati alle nuove tecnologie.

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Other Processes

Relying on our network of qualified suppliers, we can carry out bending and calendering, welding, toothing, wire and dip EDM, heat and surface treatments, balancing and destructive and non-destructive tests.

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The grinding processes allow us to guarantee the precision and quality standards required by our customers.

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Destructive and non-destructive checks

Thanks to our laboratories and qualified suppliers, we are able to examine castings, welds, machined parts.

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Adjustments and assembly

Our equipped adjustment department employs specialized personnel in carrying out mechanical adjustment and assembly operations.

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Controls and Testing

Catarsi, through its organization, is able to carry out all the necessary checks and tests on the product.

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Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l. was founded in 1973 with limited resources but considerable determination. today Catarsi is one of the most important companies in the Italian panorama of precision mechanical engineering. The reference sectors are mainly: aeronautics, space, energy and defense.

Progetto "CATARSI 4.0" co-finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020.

Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l.

Iscritta al registro delle imprese di Pisa N° 57232
Capitale sottoscritto e interamente versato 364000
Partita IVA: 00185470507
  • Sede e stabilimento: via tosco romagnola km 17
    56012 fornacette (Pisa) Italy