

La Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l. è stata fondata nel 1973. Oggi si presenta come una delle più importanti Società nel panorama italiano delle costruzioni meccaniche di precisione. I mercati di riferimento sono principalmente: Aeronautica, Aerospazio, Energia e Difesa.


Who we are


With over 50 years of history, Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l. was founded in 1973 and today is one of the most important companies in Italy regarding precision mechanical constructions. The reference markets are mainly: Aeronautics, Aerospace, Energy and Defense. Being able to have a team of highly specialized engineers and technicians, it is able to provide high quality standard services. Our activity is directed towards the design and construction of special fixtures, machines and equipment, not available ready on the market. Alongside this activity, small and medium series mechanical parts are built for the aeronautical, energy and defense sectors and the mechanical and hydraulic parts of test benches for use in the aeronautical sector. The common denominator of our products is the high quality and precision guaranteed by the application of a quality system in accordance with ISO 9001 and EN 9100 for products intended for the Aerospace and Defense sectors


Our strengths



with over 50 years of experience and a great variety of successfully completed projects, our company is a reliable partner for the creation of prototypes and small series



The high quality standards required by the markets in which we operate require continuous product and process innovation; people, means and resources are dedicated to research and development activities with the primary objectives of expanding and strengthening our technical offer of products and services and developing the technical production processes.



Software and machines are important, but the personal relationship is equally important. For this reason, the service we guarantee to customers is above all the provision of our specific skills in the design of equipment, industrialization and manufacturing of parts and assemblies.



The common denominator of our products is the high quality and precision guaranteed by the application of a quality system in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015 and EN 9100 for aerospace products. We are strategic partners for most of our customers.


Condizioni generali d'acquisto Certificato SQ_9001 Certificato SQ_9100

Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l. was founded in 1973 with limited resources but considerable determination. today Catarsi is one of the most important companies in the Italian panorama of precision mechanical engineering. The reference sectors are mainly: aeronautics, space, energy and defense.

Progetto "CATARSI 4.0" co-finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020.

Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l.

Iscritta al registro delle imprese di Pisa N° 57232
Capitale sottoscritto e interamente versato 364000
Partita IVA: 00185470507
  • Sede e stabilimento: via tosco romagnola km 17
    56012 fornacette (Pisa) Italy