

La Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l. è stata fondata nel 1973. Oggi si presenta come una delle più importanti Società nel panorama italiano delle costruzioni meccaniche di precisione. I mercati di riferimento sono principalmente: Aeronautica, Aerospazio, Energia e Difesa.



Precision mechanics and high technology are used in the energy production sector, creating components for systems that guarantee excellent technological performance and meet the highest quality standards. our experience in extremely precise mechanical machining has allowed us to develop expertise in the design and construction of processing and handling equipment, as well as parts and assemblies in series. The most modern Cad / Cae software support our technicians specialized in the design and construction of special equipment and machines (add also in other business areas) The continuous investments in a very high level machine park and the ability to transform the experience into innovative and tailor-made solutions, allow us to offer a turnkey service.


Noi arriviamo
nel mondo

Our services and products are used all over the world.










Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l. was founded in 1973 with limited resources but considerable determination. today Catarsi is one of the most important companies in the Italian panorama of precision mechanical engineering. The reference sectors are mainly: aeronautics, space, energy and defense.

Progetto "CATARSI 4.0" co-finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020.

Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l.

Iscritta al registro delle imprese di Pisa N° 57232
Capitale sottoscritto e interamente versato 364000
Partita IVA: 00185470507
  • Sede e stabilimento: via tosco romagnola km 17
    56012 fornacette (Pisa) Italy