

La Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l. è stata fondata nel 1973. Oggi si presenta come una delle più importanti Società nel panorama italiano delle costruzioni meccaniche di precisione. I mercati di riferimento sono principalmente: Aeronautica, Aerospazio, Energia e Difesa.



To be smart and to respond promptly to customers requests represent a strategic choice. With this in mind, we set up the R&S activities; the staff involved in R&S projects is composed by highly qualified technicians whose skills allow them to manage the projects complexity.

In this way, the company promotes and cultivates new ideas and high-tech products with the aim of creating new business areas and, at the same time, develops innovative procedures and technologies to be integrated into the production cycle.

The skills acquired allow you to follow all the aspects related to the development of projects starting from the analysis, passing through the design, the FEM calculation, the creation of prototypes, testing and experimental validation, up to industrialization and the finished product .

The synergistic collaboration with universities and research institutions allows for greater dynamism in solving problems and a rigorous theoretical approach.

All these aspects are managed with a careful project management activity to promote a strong integration between the engineering activities, paying attention also to the aspects of quality, economy, time planning, all aimed at achieving the set budget objectives. .

Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l. was founded in 1973 with limited resources but considerable determination. today Catarsi is one of the most important companies in the Italian panorama of precision mechanical engineering. The reference sectors are mainly: aeronautics, space, energy and defense.

Progetto "CATARSI 4.0" co-finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020.

Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l.

Iscritta al registro delle imprese di Pisa N° 57232
Capitale sottoscritto e interamente versato 364000
Partita IVA: 00185470507
  • Sede e stabilimento: via tosco romagnola km 17
    56012 fornacette (Pisa) Italy