

La Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l. è stata fondata nel 1973. Oggi si presenta come una delle più importanti Società nel panorama italiano delle costruzioni meccaniche di precisione. I mercati di riferimento sono principalmente: Aeronautica, Aerospazio, Energia e Difesa.



Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l. considers sustainability a fundamental lever not to reduce the environmental impact but also to improve efficiency and costs of production.

All fluids emulsifiers are recovered and regenerated for reuse. The presence of oil mist extractors ensures adequate air quality in production environments.

By separating upstream the various metals, Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l. may also steer the recovery processing waste (mostly metal shavings) and all the different tools that can be regenerated to become a secondary raw material

The systematic updating of the machine fleet, finally allows the Company to have the best available technology also in terms of motors and drives, with a clear advantage in terms of efficiency and energy saving.

Part of the electricity needed for the production cycle is obtained from renewable sources; in fact, the company has a solar panel plant with a nominal power of 225 kW with an average annual production of over 250 MWh.

Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l. was founded in 1973 with limited resources but considerable determination. today Catarsi is one of the most important companies in the Italian panorama of precision mechanical engineering. The reference sectors are mainly: aeronautics, space, energy and defense.

Progetto "CATARSI 4.0" co-finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020.

Catarsi Ing. Piero e C. S.r.l.

Iscritta al registro delle imprese di Pisa N° 57232
Capitale sottoscritto e interamente versato 364000
Partita IVA: 00185470507
  • Sede e stabilimento: via tosco romagnola km 17
    56012 fornacette (Pisa) Italy