The Quality System certification is the starting point to guarantee the very high quality standards of safety, reliability, standardization and repeatability of our processes.
We have 3 to 5 axis machining centers, our maximum machining size with 5 axes is 6500x2800x1900. We are able to produce components, mechanical elements and parts of high complexity. We have a very high profile machine park; Some processes are performed with traditional equipment, even with very high precision.
The experience and specialization of our operators is one of the factors that guarantee maximum precision and excellent supervision.
The wide choice of materials that can be procured with which to make the components or the necessary processing completes the quality of our service.
Our experience in extremely precise mechanical processing has allowed us to develop expertise in the design and construction of processing and handling equipment, as well as parts and assemblies in series.
The most modern Cad / Cae software support our technicians specialized in the design and construction of special equipment and machines.
Our services and products are used all over the world.